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Study social funding
Apply for study social funding
One of the great advantages of being a member of Konstkåren student union is the opportunity to apply for study social funding. Do you and your student friends want to create a place to display your art work, have a concert, make a festival or create a meeting place for students to meet and have fun together? As a member, you can apply for money from Konstkåren to organize such an event.
Every year Konstkåren receive funding from the Faculty in order to arrange study social projects and events. Parts of this funding is used for activities open for all students at the faculty and parts of the funding is used for study social events arranged by the sections or students.
The sections at the institutions HSM and HDK-Valand often arranges study social activities for the students but also students who wants to arrange their own events and activities can apply for funding directly from Konstkåren.
Link to application form is found in the beginning of this page.
More information can be found on the application form.
Send your application to:

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