HSM section
Konstkåren has a local group at HSM, Academy of music and drama, that is working to make your education and your time here at the school as good as possible. The union is run by students and all students are welcome to take part in the important work that we do. We appreciate all kind of engagement, big or small. There are many ways to join us and contribute!
You can find us on the 3rd floor of Eklanda, by the elevator.
Artistförmedling - artist agency:
Section Board
Nataliia Snizhko
Grace Coughlan
Vice Chairperson
Laura Aubrecht
Student work environment ombud
Dario Prieto
Representative to the Institution Council
Frøydis Olhans
Representative to Management group
Emma Amrén
Representative to Education Council
Laura Aubrecht
Representative to Work Environment Group
Interested in taking an active position in the union?
Do you have questions relating to the work of the section?
Contact your section here!