Campus Steneby
Campus Steneby
Although the students at Campus Steneby are technically part of the HDK-Valand section of Konstkåren we have decided to let the subsection at Campus Steneby function as it's own separate union section in as many ways as it is possible. This is due to the unique situation that is Campus Steneby because of its distance to the rest of the Artistic Faculty. Despite the distance Campus Steneby is an important part of Konstkåren. In Steneby you find the union at the local union house across the road from the main entrance of nybygget.
Sektionsstyrelse / Section board
Ordförande / Chairperson - Arno Willaert
Vice Ordförande / Vice Chairperson - Mattei Popescu
Studentarbetsmiljöombud / Student work environment representative - Sofia Valborg
Studentrepresentanter / Student Representatives
Mer information om de olika grupperna och råden på Campus Steneby kommer snart!
More information about the different groups and councils at Campus Steneby is coming soon!
Utvecklingsgruppen / Development Group -Alessandro De Luca & Marvin Cowles
Programgruppen / Program Group - Michael Schoorl
Interested in taking an active position in the union?
Do you have questions relating to the work of the section?
Contact your section here!